

VP of Audio Systems and Music @ Pixelynx



VP of Audio Systems and Music @ Pixelynx

Pal is a London native who resides at the bleeding edge intersection of music and computer science. Starting as a DJ and producer, his talent and dedication propelled him to prominence. However, his passion for technology led him to explore web development and product management, resulting in notable roles at Blackmarket Records and the BBC. Pal's entrepreneurial spirit led him to launch his own startup, SendMusic, embraced by major labels and artists like Adele. He went on to join TikTok, where he delivered groundbreaking products, including the AI-powered synthesizer, Mawf. Now, as VP of Audio Systems and Music at Pixelynx, he pioneers cutting-edge creator tools at the intersection of music, gaming, and blockchain.

Music Tech

Web 3

The evolving landscape of music in games
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







Music's importance in gaming is growing, many gamers now state that gaming has a big influence on how they consume music. There is a continually growing bond between the two disciplines, one which has seen the rise of new trends, behaviours and ways to create, experience and interact with music through the medium of gaming. In this talk we will explore this ever evolving landscape and what lies ahead.

Pal Chohan


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