

Director @ Tribe management



Director @ Tribe management

Rowan Brand is an independent international artist manager with 15 years experience developing artist careers and businesses. Beginning his career managing breakthrough Australian band's in Sydney, Rowan spent 3 years working for the iconic CMJ Music Marathon in New York City before moving to London, where in 2017 he co-founded TRIBE, an artist management company, with Matthijs Boom (NL) and Jack Saunders (UK). TRIBE manages the careers of Bear's Den, Amber Run, Charlie Cunningham, Sakr and Paul Frith amongst others. In 2021 TRIBE launched a record label, TRIPEL, with releases from Amber Run, Matthew Wilcock and L.A. Rochelle.

Music Tech

Value Creation through Music: from Streaming to Gaming
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







To say that traditional revenue models in the music industry have been under pressure for some time is an understatement. Tensions between different stakeholders in the value chain often run high and discussions about fair pay remain topical.

If the current model is no longer sustainable, what should a new, healthy and diversified revenue model for artists look like? Are there revenue sources that are not sufficiently tapped today? How can the relationship between artists and fans be expanded to create more value? How do we deal with the opportunities and challenges presented by technological developments? And how will the current streaming model evolve?

Maarten Walraven (Music x, Water & Music academy) will discuss these questions in a panel including Michael Pelczynski (Forms + Shapes, former VP Strategy SoundCloud), Thijs Verhulst (Music Industry Expert) and Rowan Brand (Director at Tribe artist management)

Maarten Walraven

Michael Pelczynski

Rowan Brand

Thijs Verhulst


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