





Driven by technology, this young new talent is constantly searching for new ways to generate sound. The harmonious cohesion between his acoustic and electronic sounds results in a colorful palette of emotions where your soul can relate to. Combining the rhythmic patterns influenced on breakbeat with spatial sound design and deep bass sounds, he provides a unique sonic experience. With influences like Max Cooper, Floating Points and Massive Attack, it becomes difficult to discern the intersection between different genres which allows him to make room for something new. Being one of the Belgian Sound Track laureates of 2021-2022, Niels Orens is not sitting still. As he continues his interrogation between the intersections of music, technology and visual art he extends the boundaries of electronic live performances. Arriving on stage with his cello to create dense and sensitive loops combined with carefully constructed beats makes his live shows truly unique. Add immersive visuals to the list and you’re all set for an intense trip to the unknown. “Organic acoustic and seething electronics melted together into a beautiful sound design by one of the most exciting new artists there is” — Max Cooper

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