

Developer Relations Manager @ Inworld AI



Developer Relations Manager @ Inworld AI

Russell is a game developer and a XR enthusiast whose goal is to create immersive and innovative experiences in the virtual space. He has recently joined Inworld AI as a Developer Relations Manager, and was previously a Developer Advocate at Unity for two years. At Inworld AI, he helps other developers leverage the power of artificial intelligence to create realistic and dynamic characters, environments, and interactions in their projects. He also showcases the capabilities of Inworld AI’s platform, which enables developers to easily build and deploy their custom characters across multiple devices and platforms. Russell has a diverse portfolio of VR projects, ranging from healthcare and education, to games and serious simulations. Some of his projects include implementing rehabilitation tasks in VR for stroke patients, creating eye-tracking experiences and non-traditional control schemes for VR, and also integrating external hardware like the Myo armband into a gesture-based wizard spellcasting game.


Flanders Game Hub

The Future of Immersive NPCs: Generative AI
Thursday 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023







Join us for an amazing conference talk where we'll unveil the possibilities of AI-driven Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) in gaming. From the AI Character video by NVIDIA from Computex, exploring Skyrim's immersive characters upgraded with ChatGPT, and learning how and when to integrate AI NPCs into your projects with Inworld. Whether you're a developer or a gamer, this session promises to immerse you in the exciting future of gaming, where NPCs evolve into dynamic, intelligent beings, blurring the lines between virtual and reality. Don't miss out on this captivating journey into the next level of gaming experiences!

Russell Sng


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