

Author of Goldrush: the ABC...G of the Digital Economy



Author of Goldrush: the ABC...G of the Digital Economy

As a senior economist for BNP Paribas Fortis he studied the impact of digital firms on the Belgian economy. In his book, a handful of young Belgian entrepreneurs, shed light on this new era. It is a new economy, with new roles: Advisors, Builders, (content) Creators and of course also Gamers.

Web 3

Gamers and their role in the Digital Economy
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







The Digital Economy, companies producing mostly digital output, is growing.

Since 1995 its share in total Belgian GDP shot up from 2% to more than 5%.

If this trend continues, digital firms generate more added value by 2050 than the construction and manufacturing sectors combined.

A new economy entails new roles: Advisors, Builders, (content-) Creators and…Gamers.

What makes these gamers stand out?

How do they contribute to our welfare?

And shouldn’t we all play more games?

Arne Maes


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