

Music technology journalist, consultant & content creator



Music technology journalist, consultant & content creator

Declan McGlynn is a music technology journalist, consultant and content creator. Across his 16 year career he’s worked with the likes of Rolling Stone, DAZED, Google, H&M, Resident Advisor, BBC, Water & Music, Universal Music Group, DJ Mag, Native Instruments, Ableton and many, many more. He also runs a newsletter called Future Filter, focussing on how emerging technology is shaping electronic music.

Music Tech

AI in Music: the Fullest Possible State of the Art
Thursday 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023







Two years ago everyone was still talking about metaverse, blockchain, NFTs and web3, in the past year AI has been the hot topic in just about every sector, including the entertainment industry. From "AI is going to make artists obsolete" to "AI helps advance the creative process like never before" and everything in between, discussions often flared high.

The AI landscape is changing at lightning speed, so taking stock is an impossible task. Yet Declan McGlynn rises to the challenge. Where are we today? What tools can be used at what stage of the creative process? What opportunities does AI present for music, and what pitfalls should we avoid? Declan answers these questions. He is a journalist, consultant and content creator in the field of music technology and has worked for Rolling Stone, Resident Advisor, Universal Music Group, DJ Mag, Native Instruments and Ableton. He also has his own music technology newsletter called Future Filter. For Water & Music, the research community around the future music business, Declan monitors all developments around AI.

Declan McGlynn


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