

Lead Music Producer @ Laced



Lead Music Producer @ Laced

Ben is Lead Music Producer at Laced, a subsidiary of Keywords Studios. Laced are a full-service creative agency specializing in audio and music for video games and moving media. Laced is also proud to be home to a very successful record imprint, releasing a whole host of recognisable soundtracks to vinyl including Doom, Resident Evil, Borderlands and Hotline Miami. As Lead Music Producer, Ben has worked across multiple projects encompassing the music spectrum, including licensing commercial music into games and managing bespoke projects. Having previously worked in music sync at Sony Music Publishing, Ben is passionate about the relationship between music and picture and the effect this has on the consumer. Since starting at Laced, Ben has worked across titles including The Plucky Squire (Devolver), Star Trucker (Raw Fury), as well as trailers for Evil West (Focus) and The Lords Of The Fallen (CI Games). He is also a part-time composer of production music.

Music Tech

The Importance of Music for Gaming
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







Film Fest Gent is putting game music at the center of its annual concert this year for the first time. The Grammys presented a separate award for a game soundtrack for the first time last year. It's clear: the general public's interest in music in video games is growing rapidly.

Makes perfect sense, since music has long been one of the driving elements behind a successful game. The soundtracks of Assasin's Creed, Final Fantasy or The Legend of Zelda are fairly - um - legendary, and Belgian games like Space Pirate Trainer or Shredders also pay above-average attention to the right music at the right time.

What makes the connection between music and games so close? What makes a good game soundtrack? What do you need to have in house to be a good game soundtrack composer? That's what Ben Parker talks about during Unwrap. He is lead music producer at Laced, a UK-based company that specializes in creating or licensing music and audio for games. Laced has also been releasing game soundtracks on vinyl for many years, from Doom, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Tekken or Far Cry, among others.

Ben Parker


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