

Founder @ HEET Gaming



Founder @ HEET Gaming

Tim Buysse is a gaming and esports enthusiast with an impressive 27-year journey in the industry. Starting from the early days of Atari and Nintendo, he quickly became immersed in the gaming world. Tim's passion for gaming led him to local LAN parties, where he lugged his desktop computer around, turning it into a true gym workout experience. As his skills developed, Tim transitioned from being a professional gamer, competing in events worldwide, to becoming a dedicated coach. Today, he proudly runs his own esports team, leveraging his expertise to guide and mentor talented players. In addition to his involvement in esports, Tim maintains a web presence where he shares his insights on web3 gaming. He delves into the advantages of web3 games over their web2 counterparts, providing honest feedback and reviews of new projects. Tim personally tests these games to ensure his assessments are accurate and valuable to his readers. Follow Tim Buysse's journey as he continues to make a mark in the gaming and esports world, advocating for web3 gaming and sharing his experiences as both a former professional gamer and a knowledgeable coach.

Web 3

State of Play: Games in Web3
Thursday 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023







Tim Buysse is a gaming and esports enthusiast with an impressive 27-year journey in the industry. Starting from the early days of Atari and Nintendo, he quickly became immersed in the gaming world. Tim's passion for gaming led him to local LAN parties, where he lugged his desktop computer around, turning it into a true gym workout experience. As his skills developed, Tim transitioned from being a professional gamer, competing in events worldwide, to becoming a dedicated coach. Today, he proudly runs his own esports team, leveraging his expertise to guide and mentor talented players. In addition to his involvement in esports, Tim maintains a web presence where he shares his insights on web3 gaming. He delves into the advantages of web3 games over their web2 counterparts, providing honest feedback and reviews of new projects. Tim personally tests these games to ensure his assessments are accurate and valuable to his readers. Follow Tim Buysse's journey as he continues to make a mark in the gaming and esports world, advocating for web3 gaming and sharing his experiences as both a former professional gamer and a knowledgeable coach.

Tim Buysse


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