

Leading AI R&D at imec



Leading AI R&D at imec

Prof. Steven Latré, is leading the artificial intelligence research at imec, the R&D hub for nano-electronics and digital technologies. His main expertise focuses on combining sensor technologies and chip design with AI to provide end-to-end solutions in sectors such as health and smart industries. Next to this, he is also a part-time professor at the University of Antwerp. He received a Master of Science degree in computer science from Ghent University, Belgium and a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering from the same university. Before joining imec, he was leading the IDLab research group at the University of Antwerp, a 100+ research group focusing on wireless networks and machine learning. He is author or co-author of more than 150 papers published in international journals or in the proceedings of international conferences. He is the recipient of the IEEE COMSOC award for best PhD in network and service management 2012, the IEEE COMSOC Young Professional award 2015 and is a recipient of the Laureate award of the Academy of Sciences, Belgium.

Music Tech

Running a Music Festival with AI: the Lokerse Feesten Case by Steven Latré
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







In all the AI discussions in recent months, it was very often about the impact of generative AI (ChatGPT, MidJourney etc.) on the creative process. But of course, the potential applications of AI in the music industry go far beyond that. Tools that e.g. suggest appropriate playlists based on biometric data or recommend which concerts you should definitely go to have been known for some time. But can you also organize a music festival using AI? At the Lokerse Feesten they think so.

Steven Latré is an AI expert by day and a festival organizer by night. He is vice president Machine Learning and AI at the research center imec (world leader in research on nanoelectronics and digital technology) and professor at the University of Antwerp. He is also a press officer at the Lokerse Feesten, but of course he also brings in his AI expertise.

AI already supports the organizers of the Lokerse Feesten today in a number of areas: from estimating or predicting ticket sales over modeling audience flows to more targeted deployment of marketing campaigns. But the possibilities go a lot further, as will be shown during this talk. In this talk we explain what AI is and - especially - what it is not, and how you as a festival organizer can build in practical tools to make more targeted choices.

Do festival organizers now also have to start fearing for their jobs? Steven Latré brings you the answer during Unwrap.

Steven Latré


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