

Head of Partnerships @ Genvid Holdings Inc.



Head of Partnerships @ Genvid Holdings Inc.

Nika joined Genvid in 2021 to manage relationships with game developers, publishers, platforms and IP holders, focused on producing and publishing massive interactive live events (MILEs). Nika spent more than a decade building coalitions and programs for leading internet and video game companies. As the former Executive Director for the International Game Developers Association Foundation, her efforts developed diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts for underrepresented game developers. Previously the Head of Public Affairs for the Entertainment Software Association, she took a leading role in messaging, consumer outreach, and corporate social responsibility, which included leveraging relationships with key policy leaders and government officials. In addition to her role at the ESA, she also served as the chief strategy officer for Liminal Esports, director of communications and creative strategies for the Internet Association, and new media specialist for the U.S. House of Representatives. She is also an Informatics P.h.D student at the University of California, Irvine studying deepfakes, false memories, and the video game workforce talent gap.

Flanders Game Hub


The Convergence of Media & Gaming
Thursday 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023







As the world of media and entertainment rapidly evolves, it's becoming increasingly clear that the lines between traditional forms of entertainment and gaming are becoming more blurred. With major streaming services such as Netflix investing heavily in gaming, the landscape is changing fast, and it's an exciting time for those who are curious about the future of interactive entertainment.


Nika Nour, the Head of Partnerships at Genvid, is at the forefront of this revolution. She has been instrumental in forging relationships with game developers, publishers, and IP holders, with a particular focus on producing and publishing massive interactive live events (MILEs). Through extensive experience and leadership, Genvid Entertainment is helping to pioneer this new form of entertainment that merges games and media and is excited to share unique insights with audiences at Unwrap festival.


In her presentation, Nika will explore the convergence of media and gaming, and delve into the ways in which this changing landscape is transforming the industry. She will discuss the latest trends and developments, and highlight the opportunities that are emerging for game developers and other industry professionals. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a media professional, or simply someone with an interest in the future of entertainment, Nika's presentation is sure to be both informative and inspiring. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the exciting world of interactive entertainment from one of its leading voices.

Nika Nour


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