

Rendering Researcher @ Weta



Rendering Researcher @ Weta

Matthieu Delaere is a rendering researcher at Wētā Digital, part of Unity Technologies, which is the former tools development division of Wētā FX. Wētā FX is a digital visual effects company based in Wellington, New-Zealand and is known for its work on award winning films such as The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Avatar, and Avatar: The Way of Water, among others. As part of the Gazebo team, Matthieu focuses on high fidelity real-time rendering and hybrid shading for visual effects. Prior to joining the VFX industry he was part of the DAE staff as both a teacher and researcher, specializing in real-time ray tracing for game development.


Flanders Game Hub


Deep Dive into Real-Time Rendering at Wētā
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







Massive environments, complex materials and effects, intense simulations and show specific requirements are not uncommon in VFX production. Dealing with these different complex aspects of production effectively requires specialized rendering software. This talk will give an overview of the rendering technology used in production at Wētā FX. The audience will get a deep dive into Gazebo, the real-time rendering software developed by Wētā Digital, which is used throughout the production pipeline, from on-stage pre-visualization all the way to compositing. This session will also discuss the challenges in real-time rendering for VFX and will highlight some of the similarities and differences between the technology used for game and VFX production.

Matthieu Delaere


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