

Founder / CEO Healthskouts



Founder / CEO Healthskouts

Prof. Dr. Koen Kas is a healthcare futurist & delight thinker, entrepreneur, professor of molecular oncology & digital health, and renowned international keynote speaker. He published his vision in 2 books. ‘Sick no more’ describes how we will transition from reactive sickcare to proactive healthcare. ‘Your guide to Delight’ is a roadmap towards that future introducing our personal digital twin that – with the use of AI - will keep you, and your company, relevant and “young”. He is founding CEO of Healthskouts. Healthskouts deliver the inspiration, insights & connections needed to help eradicate disease & make healthcare delightful. Healthskouts curates the public database of certified digital health Apps & devices, digital therapeutics, and AI tools = Software as a medical Device. His team built and is expanding a health education and experience center in the metaverse. Koen is a guest professor at Ghent University in Belgium. He is Chairman of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation; Co-chair of the Digital Twin Consortium healthcare workgroup; Advisor of the Digital Therapeutics Alliance; Ambassador of Health House and VITO’s We Are project on decentralized health data; Jury of the Prix Galien; and sits on the advisory board of 5 emerging (digital) healthcare companies and 2 investors/startup accelerators. Koen was CSO Oncology at Thrombogenics (now Oxurion), where he spun out Oncurious and developed a novel drug for pediatric brain cancer. Before this, he was founder and CSO of Pronota, building a protein biomarker discovery platform and pipeline of four diagnostic programs. Prior to that, he was the director of drug discovery at Galapagos. Previously he set up and directed the cancer drug discovery program at Tibotec (now Johnson & Johnson). He started his career elucidating the molecular basis of two types of cancers. He studied at the universities of Leuven and Antwerp in Belgium, Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Utrecht University in The Netherlands and he was a Harvard fellow.

Flanders Game Hub

The game is on to get sick no more
Thursday 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023







Could your next game treat my disease? Can it even prevent disease strikes?
In a fireworks of examples, I will introduce real world application of medication adherence via a shooter, vaccination efforts in Grand Theft Auto 5.

Next, I will show the first examples of actual games treating eye disease and attention deficit disorder (ADHD). Not for kids only. Subsequently I'll explain how gamification techniques and reward models are used to manage addictions but more importantly how we are on the verge of using them in extreme lifestyle management.

This way I introduce games as digital therapeutics and prevention enablers which will turn reactive sickcare into delightful preventive healthcare.
En route we show how elements from the entertainment industry reduce frictions in the patient journey and how Belgium is getting ready to introduce Baymax - from Big Hero 6 - as your future doctor. One you're about to design.

Koen Kas


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