

Founder & CEO



Founder & CEO

Game industry veteran, former Technical Art Director for Sony Interactive, Andrew pushed cutting edge technology that powered the biggest entertainment franchises in the world. Develop and Forbes magazine's 30 under 30, artist, programmer, consultant, entrepreneur and speaker at Computer Graphics events all across the globe. Distinguished in both tech and art Andrew has been co-running the Art Direction Summit at Game Developers Conference for 8 years, while also being on the jury for Siggraph Realtime Live. Democratizing the creative process, supporting artists and empowering creativity within every single person has been his unrelenting focus and singular goal throughout his entire career.


Creative Future with Artificial Intelligence
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







Combining the unique perspective of a veteran 3d artist and game developer, as well as a CEO of a generative AI company and a technical advisor in the class action lawsuit against Stable AI on the side of the artists, Andrew will provide a comprehensive overview of generative AI space today. During the talk, he will give pointers on which technologies teams should consider adopting right now and which could be a technical, ethical and legal minefield. We will also discuss what to look forward to or watch out for in the future and how to make sure that the future we are building is ethical and inclusive. And most importantly we'll cover how all of this is going to impact individual artists and developers and what is the best way to navigate this as an individual. Whether you are a veteran or just looking to join the industry.

Andrew Maximov


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