

CEO & co-founder @ Leti Arts



CEO & co-founder @ Leti Arts

Eyram Tawia has over 20 years of experience in the game development industry. He is the CEO and Cofounder of Leti Arts, the pioneer game development company in Sub Saharan Africa leading the next wave of rich African storytelling via interactive games and comics with a vision to shape a new generation of uniquely African content that reignites Africa’s diminishing rich culture. He's won several awards for his work in the African video game development space, a frequent speaker at game conferences globally and an author with his book Uncompromising Passion documenting his Journey as an African video game developer.

Game for Thought

Building Africa's Games Ecosystem
Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023







Creating the video games industry in Africa requires an uncompromising passion, self-empowerment. In this talk, CEO of award-winning games company, Leti Arts, Eyram Tawiah tells the story of how Africa’s story can be told using games and comics. Eyram Tawiah is an African game developer. His love for comics and computer games helped to spur his interest to learn to program back in Junior High School. He wanted to make the comics he drew as a youngster, come to life on the computer screen. He is the co-founder and CEO of Leti Arts. 

Eyram Tawia


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