

Ethics Coordinator



Ethics Coordinator

Allie Weis is the Ethics Coordinator in International Game Development at Howest Hogeschool Digital Arts and Entertainment (DAE) in Kortrijk, Belgium. Hailing from Baltimore, Maryland (U.S.A.), Allie graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy from Loyola University Maryland with a specialization in social psychology and the psychosocial impacts of trauma. As a recipient of a Fulbright grant, she relocated to Belgium and found herself most at home in Kortrijk, where she now lives with her toothless cat. It was at DAE where she discovered the overlaps between her academic interests and the digital entertainment world. She served as a Community Manager at DAE before transitioning into her current position of Ethics Coordinator and host/producer of the ‘Game for Thought’ livestream series, tackling a different ethically-relevant topic each month (i.e. accessibility, ethics and AI, crunch time, sustainability, community building, inclusive recruitment). As the Ethics Coordinator, Allie has worked together with students to cultivate a Code of Conduct for the student community, highlighting the relevance and importance of ethics – even within a highly-technical curriculum. She also works very closely with affinity groups on campus, ensuring that each student can be unforgivably themselves. It’s Allie’s mission to bring the ethics story to life at DAE. Fueled by coffee and enthusiasm.

Game for Thought

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