

Senior Talent Acquisition @ Sumo Digital



Senior Talent Acquisition @ Sumo Digital

Sara Machado (She/Her) Sara Machado is a Brazilian, but London-based, game recruiter and career strategist, with a strong emphasis on EDI and candidate experience. Her work is firmly grounded in the belief that diverse voices from all corners of the globe should be represented and celebrated, not just as an audience, but as creators and leaders in the space. She has helped to hire over 130 young people on universal credit to their first game job (Kickstart Scheme) and in the following year produced a 26 pages report about candidates job hunting preferences. Today she works for the Sumo Group as a Senior Talent Acquisition Partner and owns her own company Bird's Eye View, focused on bridging the gap between education and industry.

Game for Thought

The Ethics of Play
Thursday 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023







An inspiring and thought-provoking discussion on the current state of the gaming industry and where it's headed.  Sara Machado (Sumo Group) will share her experiences and practical insights to help break down some of the barriers keeping underrepresented groups out of the industry.

Key Takeaways:

🟠 Deepen your understanding of the current state of DEI and the disconnect between global gamer demographics and game developers

🟠 Grasp the critical role of recruitment in bridging the gap between diverse gamers and the industry's workforce.

🟠 Leave feeling inspired and empowered to make a difference and create a more inclusive industry for all. 

Sara Machado


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