



Having worked in the UK games industry since 2017, Nicolas is an accomplished Technical Artist and DAE veteran. He's worked on titles such as Sackboy: A Big Adventure at Sumo Digital, and Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League at Rocksteady. After 6 years in AAA games, he's now working as Lead Technical Artist at ZA/UM, the studio behind the legendary RPG Disco Elysium.

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A Tech Art approach to building difficult features
Thursday 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023





Urban Sports Park


In this one-man panel, I'll talking back and forth with the group about some of the hard features I helped ship as Technical artist, what made them so hard, and how we got them done in the end.A guided conversation in which I'll be sharing my experience and answering to questions throughout the timeslot, this is a panel and abstract breakdown of what it's like to be a technical artist in a AAA studio.No projection required, just a group of eager listeners and participants with questions.Conversation will be in English, making it more accessible for international students and such.

Nicolas Pirot


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