WITT is a healthy blend of electronics, rhythm, and vocals, with the latter playing an extremely important role. This project explores the function and effect of choirs and vocals in spatial audio. WITT consists of a lead singer (Tine Theré) and a choir of five people (Jens Pauwels, Edward Kuijken, Anna Dutoit, Leen Vanheers, and Lore Borremans). Her first EP, "LOCUS," is available in stereo on all platforms and in Dolby Atmos on Apple Music. The songs touch on experiences in various types of relationships, which is reflected in both the lyrics and the atmosphere and sound of the music. To enhance the emotion of some songs, they are written in the Italian language. This EP can be compared in terms of sound to artists like Tsar B but was primarily inspired by Kraftwerk, Goldfrapp, and Portishead. For the live set at the Unwrap festival, a collaboration was formed with the research teams of HOWEST and PXL Music to explore whether an artist can create AI visuals for a live set. These visuals, along with the spatial audio in which the songs are composed, provide a fully immersive experience.

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